MODERN LOCK MFG. CO., made a humble beginning in the year 1972 with brand names RAMSON & HORSEMAN in the field of Locks. Its founder a great visionary, Late. K.L.kumar during his short span of life gave the much needed direction and impetus for the growth of the company. The mantle from then onwards was carried by the three sons of the founder who by the grace of God & hard work transformed the still blossoming company into a leading trading house, dealing in all types of locks and hardware.

Thus RAMSON, with its vast range of door fittings endowed with numerous finishes and excellent workmanship on different metal crafts evolved as a house hold choice, catering to all sections of the society.

RAMSON by sheer elegance changed hardware products to artware which add glamour to the home they occupy.

The patronage extended by the customers and the faith reposed in RAMSON compelled the trading house to setup a manufacturing base in the name of MODERN MANUFACTURERS in 1984, equipped with sophisticated machinery and skilled technical staff conforming the products to the highest standards. The vast experience as a trading house enhanced the acceptability of the self manufactured products and the unit soon evolved as the largest manufacturer of Mortice Locks in India.

With the economy spreading its arms wide open, MODERN OVERSEAS emerged as a global player in 1994, making RAMSON’s presence felt in the international arena and also importing foreign items in the RAMSON range.

Market appreciation and customer’s undeterred confidence in RAMSON & HORSEMAN products is the only motivation and inspiration which makes the MODERN group more burdened with a greater sense of responsibility and duty to provide products which are real value for money.